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Easy 4 + Pillar Trench

Easy 4 + Pillar Trench


Easy 4 + Pillar Trench starts off easy, with 4 jumps at the beginning of orange and 3 jumps in the middle of blue. The ending of each lap can be difficult with multiple players, especially towards the end of the timeout.


There are 2 paths you can take to survive the final transfer on laps 9-12 of the timeout. I recommend taking whichever path has less players, as it can be very easy to collide otherwise.

End on Orange


Lap # Difficulty
9 Easy
10 Easy
11 Medium
12 Medium

End On Blue


Lap # Difficulty
9 Medium
10 Medium
11 Easy
12 Easy

Example Timeouts

View all Roll Off paths for all 20 variations on YouTube.