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5 Waller + Grand Canyon

5 Waller + Grand Canyon


Also known as the "3rd Hardest Variation", 5 Waller + Grand Canyon is in the top tier of most difficult Roll Off variations to timeout.


There are 5 possible paths to take on laps 9-12 of the timeout:

Start on Blue


  1. Start on blue
  2. Transfer to the small ledge after the first wall on orange
  3. Run on orange until it is safe to jump back to blue


Lap # Difficulty
9 Medium
10 Medium
11 Hard
12 Hard

Grand Canyon Ledge


  1. Start on orange
  2. Transfer to the small blue grand canyon ledge
  3. Jump back to orange after the wall passes
  4. Run on orange until it is safe to jump back to blue


Lap # Difficulty
9 Medium
10 Medium
11 Hard
12 Hard

Outer Wall Jump


  1. Start on orange
  2. Outer wall jump on the right side of orange
  3. Run diagonally across the roll and jump back to blue


Lap # Difficulty
9 Hard
10 Hard
11 Hard
12 Hard

Inner Wall Jump


  1. Start on orange
  2. Inner wall jump on the left side of orange
  3. Run on orange until it is safe to jump back to blue


Lap # Difficulty
9 Very hard
10 Very hard
11 Very hard
12 Very hard

Rainbow's Path


  1. Start on blue
  2. Outer wall jump on the right side of blue
  3. Run across the grand canyon ledge and jump dive to orange
  4. Transfer back to blue


Lap # Difficulty
9 Very hard
10 Very hard
11 Very hard
12 Very hard

Here is an example of what an ideal 3 person timeout looks like for this variation:

  • 1 player starts on blue laps 9-12
  • 1 player takes the grand canyon ledge laps 9-12
  • 1 player outer wall jumps laps 9-12


In the rare case that you must have 3 players in the center during laps 9-12, you should coordinate as follows:

  • First player runs in front and takes grand canyon ledge
  • Second player runs behind and inner wall jumps
  • Third player starts on blue

Example Timeouts

View all Roll Off paths for all 20 variations on YouTube.