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Term Description
3C's path A path used to timeout the Closed-Open + Open-Closed variation of Roll Off. Named after Three-C.
4 by 4 An alternate name used to describe the Easy 4 + Easy 4 Roll Off variation, the easiest of all 20 variations.
5 Waller An orange roll variant in Roll Off.
5 Wall Club A prestigious group of Fall Guys players who have one-rolled 5 Waller, the most difficult roll to one-roll.
Alex's path A path used to timeout the Closed-Open + Open-Closed variation of Roll Off. Named after alexjlockwood.
Baby path An alternate name used to describe the Outer Wall Jump path in the Closed-Open + Grand Canyon Roll Off variation. Named because it is the only path where wall jumping is the easier option compared to the other possible paths.
Bar The circular rails that are under the rolls in Roll Off.
Bar jump The act of bunny hopping off one of the bars across a gap in Roll Off.
City's ledge The extremely small ledge just before the 3rd wall on 5 Waller orange. Named after CityLimitsPK.
City's path A path used to timeout the 5 Waller + Open-Closed variation of Roll Off. Named after CityLimitsPK.
Closed-Open An orange roll variant in Roll Off.
Dytl's path A path used to timeout the 5 Waller + Open-Closed variation of Roll Off. Named after dytlgozj.
Easy 4 An orange & blue roll variant in Roll Off.
EChan's fortress The enclosed section of the 5 Waller orange roll in between the 3rd and 4th walls. Named after EChanTV.
EChan's path A path used to timeout the 5 Waller + Open-Closed variation of Roll Off. Named after EChanTV.
Edge The parts of the roll that line each side of the gaps in Roll Off. Can be either purple, orange, or gold.
Electro's path A path used to timeout Closed-Open + Open-Closed variation of Roll Off. Named after Electro8k.
Grand Canyon ledge The small ledge immediately after the 1st wall on Grand Canyon blue.
Grand Canyon A blue roll variant in Roll Off.
Isolated Duo An orange & blue roll variant in Roll Off.
JD's path A path used to timeout the Closed-Open + Open-Closed variation of Roll Off. Named after Joey Dever.
Lap A full 360 degree rotation of a roll during a Roll Off timeout.
No jump, no dive Used to describe the challenge of achieving a Roll Off timeout without jumping or diving.
One-roll The act of timing out Roll Off on a single roll using only wall jumps.
Open-Closed A blue roll variant in Roll Off.
PG's path A path used to timeout the Closed-Open + Open-Closed variation of Roll Off. Named after Prakhar Gupta.
Piggy's path A path used to timeout the Closed-Open + Grand Canyon variation of Roll Off. Discovered by Sweet Crying Deity and named after Roll Off Piggy.
Pillar Trench A blue roll variant in Roll Off.
Rainbow's path A path used to timeout Grand Canyon variations of Roll Off (Closed-Open, 5 Waller, and Isolated Duo). Named after RainbowStays.
Sherkhan's path A path used to timeout the 5 Waller + Open-Closed variation of Roll Off. Named after SH3RKH4N.
Suki's gap The large gap immediately after the 1st wall on Open-Closed blue. Named after suki_da_yo.
Suki's ledge The small ledge immediately after the 1st wall on Open-Closed blue. Named after suki_da_yo.
Suki's path A path used to timeout the 5 Waller + Open-Closed variation of Roll Off. Named after suki_da_yo.
Syed's path A path used to timeout the 5 Waller + Open-Closed variation of Roll Off. Named after Syedhsn555.
Thumbnail variation An alternate name used to describe the Closed-Open + Easy 4 Roll Off Variation, the exact variation that is displayed in the final's preview image.
Thumbnail inverse variation An alternate name used to describe the Easy 4 + Open-Closed Roll Off Variation, the inverse of the thumbnail variation.
Wall jump The act of jumping around the edge of a wall in Roll Off.