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Reducing Desync

One of the most difficult aspects of Roll Off is avoiding collisions with other players. Here are some tips for reducing desync during a timeout.


A great Roll Off player will constantly search for ways to reduce desync during a timeout.

Learn the roll patterns

Learning the roll patterns will allow you to focus less of your energy on memorizing your own path and more of your energy on avoiding desync with other players.

Prefer jumps over transfers

Most desync occurs when 2 players transfer between the two rolls at the same time and accidentally run into each other.

An easy way to avoid this is by jumping instead of transfering whenever possible. This keeps you out of the center where collisions are more likely to occur.

A few examples of where jumping is usually the safer alternative are:


This advice only applies when no other beans are nearby. If another bean is within grabbing distance, you should prefer transfering instead to avoid getting griefed.

Transfer early to give space for others

Try to transfer across rolls as early as possible. The longer you wait to transfer, the more likely it becomes that you will body block someone behind you. When you do transfer, be sure that you also provide players behind you with enough space.

For example, in the video below I transfer from orange to blue as early as possible. I also run to the middle of blue to give plenty of space for the other two beans to make the transfer shortly after.

Maintain consistent pathing

In general you should try your best to stick to the same path. While changing your path is sometimes necessary, keeping the changes at a minimum will reduce the likelihood of surprising someone else and causing a collision.

Avoid transfering to the same small ledge as someone else

Transfering to the same small ledge as someone else is very dangerous and should be avoided if possible. Keep an eye out for what others are doing during the timeout and try to plan ahead if you notice someone transfering to a small ledge.

For example, in the video below no point are two beans occupying the same small ledge (specifically at 0:03 and 0:08).

Avoid jumping in front of others

Jumping in front of others is very dangerous for the other players as it puts them at risk of being body blocked or simply losing the momentum required for the jump.