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Recognizing Variations


Beginning with SS4 released in May 2023, the Roll Off introduction scenes have changed, making some of the information in this page less useful for detecting variations.

It is possible to detect the exact Roll Off variation from the preview at the start of the final. This can be convenient so that you don't have to spend the first lap trying to figure out which variation you have gotten.

Below is a simple decision tree that you can use to detect each of the orange and blue rolls from the final's opening preview.

Flow chart Flow chart


The strategies you can use to detect each roll early on are described below.

5 Waller

5 Waller has pillars in front and nothing in back. The picture below shows 5 Waller orange.

5 Waller

Isolated Duo

Isolated Duo has nothing in front and pillars in back. The picture below shows Isolated Duo orange and Isolated Duo blue.

Isolated Duo

Closed-Open & Open-Closed

Closed-Open and Open-Closed can both be recognized by the fact that they have pillars in front and pillars in back. The picture below shows Closed-Open orange and Open-Closed blue.

Closed-Open & Open-Closed

Easy 4

Easy 4 has a wall in front and pillars in back. The picture below shows Easy 4 orange and Easy 4 blue.

Easy 4

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon has a wall in front and a wall in back. The picture below shows Grand Canyon blue.

Grand Canyon side view

Grand Canyon is the only roll with green striped inner edges and a yellow bar.

Grand Canyon side view

Pillar Trench

Like Grand Canyon, Pillar Trench also has a wall in front and a wall in back. The picture below shows Pillar Trench blue.

Pillar Trench

To differentiate it from Grand Canyon, check that the roll has oranged striped inner edges and a purple bar.

Pillar Trench side view

Other tips

Isolated Duo Blue can be recognized early by its purple edge color, as it is the only blue roller with purple edges.

Isolated Duo Blue

Similarly, Open-Closed Blue can be recognized early by its gold edge color, as it is the only blue roller with gold edges.

Isolated Duo Blue