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Counting Laps


A "lap" is a full 360 degree rotation of a roll in roll off. During a 5 minute timeout, each roll will rotate 12 times, meaning that there are 12 laps in a timeout.

Counting laps can be helpful to understand what paths to take during a timeout, especially for the harder variations.

Lap times

Lap # Start time Duration
1 0:00 0:47
2 0:47 0:32
3 1:16 0:29
4 1:41 0:25
5 2:05 0:24
6 2:28 0:23
7 2:51 0:23
8 3:12 0:22
9 3:33 0:21
10 3:54 0:21
11 4:15 0:21
12 4:36 0:21

Useful tips

If you play with Fall Guys music, you can easily detect the start of lap 7 by listening for when the background music starts looping for the second time.

By lap 9 the slime has reached it's maximum height, meaning the last 4 laps of a timeout will typically be the hardest.